Editing and Proofreading

Editing and Proofreading

Proof-reading and reviewing ensure accuracy, consistency, appropriate formatting, and overall quality of the final product—exactly what you need to meet the expectations of your international audience. The Editing process involves the review and revision of a translation to make overall improvements in the text, focusing primarily on the correction of translation errors and the improvement of accuracy and style. 


In this regard, Turkish Locatrans provides a specialist proofreading, review and editing services to complement the translation process; these work stages are critical to the final product quality. Our linguists are especially trained to review the presentation of a text in its final layout. Our team corrects grammar, spelling, punctuation, word usage mistakes, idiomatic expressions as well as missing text and inconsistencies.


Besides, one of Turkish Locatrans core assets is that we have a team of highly professional journalist editors and copywriters who can handle different types of materials that need excellent style such as marketing materials, press releases and articles, company brochures and public relation materials.


With our top-quality proofreading/editing services you can rest assured that the target document is error-free and is thoroughly checked for uniformity.